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Small Business Ideas in Pakistan for Young Entrepreneurs

Earning money by establishing small business ideas in Pakistan makes a great choice especially for fresh graduates who are just not into working in a company. Fortunately, with low investment, the chances to open your own business are widely open. There are more than enough choices of small business. With acceleration on GDP growth, various economic sectors are getting stronger and giving better atmosphere for various business types.

Small Business in Agriculture

So, if you are freshly graduated from agriculture major and are looking for a way to earn money through business, there are many choices 0f small business ideas in Pakistan today.

1. Bee Keeping

This business opportunity is promising although it requires day-to-day monitoring. The demand for good quality honey has increased in the last few years following the increasing awareness about health. And, it also requires low investment for the start-up so you do not have to get loan from bank.

2. Certified Seed Production

In case you don’t know what seed certification is yet. It basically refers to particular quality assurance system where the seed is subjected to inspection and quality control. This system works to certify the seed and sets up what should be said on the label regarding the production time, inspection and grading. It can be easily set up by contract farming.

3. Fish Farming

This lucrative investment makes a great farming business. With the right modern techniques and private space, this business earns the owner a moderate amount of money. In fact, the bigger size of this business may earn more money.

4. Mushroom Farming

Mushroom has now become a daily food to eat by many people in Pakistan. So, it is only right when this business means big profit even in the beginning. And, it doesn’t require too much money for start up. Only the owner should learn how to farm mushroom and own the building for farming it.

Small Business in Manufacturing

Let’s move on to another sector, the Manufacturing. Today, there are many promising small manufacturing business that earns good money.

1. Detergent Powder Manufacturing

Also known as synthetic detergent, the detergent powder is promising to be managed as business. The manufacturing process is pretty simple. Just make sure the detergent fits the customers’ need and pack it nicely so it has good presentation.

2. Garment Manufacturing

To start this low investment business, you have to know the knowledge and process in textile marketing. It may be low in capital investment as a start but it promises billion dollars of earning when it becomes bigger. Why? Because now people put more attention to their outfit so they can look good in front of others.

3. Leather Garment Making

Leather has always been a popular fabric in fashion industry. So, when you choose to start business in leather garment making, you have made the right choice. Just make sure to produce high quality leather.

4. Nylon Production

The increasing demand for nylon products has been gradually increased over the years. So, it promises good business opportunity for you. But in this business, you need to choose the right product and do good market analysis.

Small Business in Service Industry

Here come the great small business ideas in Pakistan that have been sharply increasing over the years. It is perfect for young people.

1. Adventure Tourism

We know that more people are into traveling in the last few years. The number of tourists worldwide has tripled including of those who choose to come to Pakistan or Pakistanis who choose to travel abroad. If you wish to travel for free and earn money at the same time, turn this opportunity into profitable business.

2. Consulting Business

The need for business consultation has always been increased. Even the professionals and managers still need the help from consultant. So, if you have an expertise in certain field, use it as a way to earn money. Sell your skill and expertise by helping others.

3. Internet Marketing Consulting

In the last few years, the number of Internet users has increased sharply including in Pakistan. More people are also into online shopping. So, if you think you are good at branding and advertising online, use your skill for a living. Offer Internet marketing consulting and find clients throughout Pakistan and other countries as well.

4. Mobile Car Wash

Here comes the classic service business you can start tomorrow, the mobile car wash. Running this business is pretty easy and doesn’t really require complicated skill. Only you need to be willing to wash other people’s car anywhere it is.

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